
() Reproduction for private life to share a beautiful young

(switched from yansansan blog). also recently been updated with a little luck, to share their own will feel more natural and even a little surprised. recently, to continue the practice of hot yoga is not yet fully adapted to 42-degree temperatures in the movement, who is, like i can do better the next phase out the physical features that we hope you feel better that. also, i prior to two hours, go to yoga last week and you do not want to eat hot yoga, is starving to eat too much before a big bowl, the result is only 20 minutes of nausea when you are training you need to let you know a friend that is committed to practice, it could no longer hope to air the first of next year. and before and after training, as well as many of the process water is a comrade in a bottle of iced tea to drink at any time up to the point you need to add a little low blood sugar as sugar. entire process


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